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Migration to HC3

Migration Made EasyMigration Made Easy

When moving from a traditional virtual and physical infrastructure to HC3 modern infrastructure, downtime  is not an option. Traditional migration solutions can cause unneeded downtime with unneeded complexity.

HC3 Move Powered by Double-Take allows you to migrate physical, and virtual Windows and Linux-based server workloads with real-time replication from a single, intuitive user console. This unique technology eliminates user and application downtime during migrations. HC3 Move powered by Double-Take migrates your entire server including the system state, applications, file system, permissions, attributes, compression and encryption settings without suspending production operations. 

All system and application data is moved while it is live and online and HC3 Move powered by Double-Take ensures the write order integrity for all migrated data.

ScaleCare ServicesScaleCare Services

ScaleCare Migration Services are available to assist customers in the migration process. Scale’s service offering includes everything from an end-to-end remote migration planning and execution to a QuickStart offering where Scale’s Support Engineers remotely walk you through the process of migrating a single physical or virtual server onto HC3 and then hand over the keys for you to complete the migration on your own time.